This code goes at the bottom of the HTM form page. The CSS file makes it invisible to humans but spam robots can see it. Robots fill out every field. I have it set up in formtoemailpro.php on line 1177 so that if the field is filled out, the email is sent to some bogus email account. If the field is left blank (which will happen when a person fills out the form because they can't see it) then the email is sent to a legitimate email account. The beauty of this is in both cases they are sent to the thank you page giving the impression to both that the form was successfully sent. ___________________________________________________ This code goes at the bottom of the HTM form page. (The DIV makes it invisible. Although it's a radio button there's only one option "Yes" with the name of slick. In the formtoemailpro script "slick" is defined.)
Please check if you are an animal. Yes No
__________________________________________________ This code goes on line 1177 of the formtoemail.php script. ($pest specifies if this name is used in a form field, do the following depending on which is selected. Yes or No goes to the bogus email, Nothing selected goes to the correct email account.) // Send email. This was altered for the animals. See registration text file. $pest = array( 'Yes' => '', 'No' => '', '' => '', ); $my_email = $pest[$_REQUEST['pest']]; mail($my_email,$subject,$message,$headers); __________________________________________________ This is the code added to the CSS file associated with the site. It makes the field invisible. #slick {display:none;} /* this is used on the form to stop peskies. */